
go over



go over为高中词汇

近义词, 同义词

go over

(used with advs or in questions after how 与副词连用或用于疑问句中的how之後) be received in the specified way 以某种方式接受
*How did her speech go over? 人们对她的演讲反应如何? go over sth
(a) look at sth carefully; inspect sth 仔细检查某事物; 察看某事物
*The surveyor went over the house thoroughly and advised us not to buy it. 房屋鉴定人彻底察看了房子以後, 劝我们不要买.
(b) examine the details of sth; check sth 检查某事物的细节; 核对某事物
*You'll have to go over these figures again, they don't add up. 你必须再核对一下这些数字, 总数不符.
* Go over your work carefully before you hand it in. 交作业前要仔细检查一下.
(c) study or review sth carefully; rehearse or revise sth 仔细研究或温习某事物; 演习或修订某事物
*He went over the events of the day in his mind, ie thought about them carefully. 他对白天发生的事情细加反思.
* She went over her lines before the first night of the play. 她在该剧首演前又练习了一次台词.
(d) clean sth, esp thoroughly 将某物弄乾净(尤指彻底地)
*She went over the room with a duster. 她用抹布把房间擦得乾乾净净. go over (to...) move from one (usu distant) place to another 从一处(通常为远处)到另一处
*Many of the Irish went over to America during the famine. 很多爱尔兰人在饥荒期间迁徙到了美国. go over to sb/sth (broadcasting 播) transfer to (a different reporter, studio, etc) 转换至(另一记者、演播室等)
*We are now going over to the news desk for an important announcement. 现在我们转至新闻部, 宣布一项重要消息. go over to sth change from one side, opinion, habit, system, etc to another (从一边、一见解、一习惯、一体系等)转至(另一方面)
*Two Conservative MPs went over to the Liberals. 有两名保守党议员转至自由党一边.
* She's gone over to a milder brand of cigarettes. 她已改吸另一牌子味道较淡的香烟.